Tutors for CSCE Courses


The following students are available as tutors in CSCE courses as listed below. Tutors are typically paid $15-20 an hour, but individual rates may vary and should be negotiated directly with the individual contacted.

If you are interested in locating a tutor, please contact one of the people listed below.

If you are interested in being listed as a tutor, please contact Dr. Caroline M. Eastman, Director of Undergraduate Studies, at 777-8103 or eastman@cse.sc.edu. We are willing to list students willing to tutor courses other than those currently listed.

This page is provided as an information service by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering.

ACTIVE LIST: Available Spring 2007

Achraf El-Allali, CSCE 145, 146, 211, 212, 240, 245, elallali at cse.sc.edu, 803-318-8690

Ben Fine, CSCE 145, 146, 211, fineb at mailbox.sc.edu, 843-478-7934

Chase Gray, CSCE 145, 146, 240, 245, 350, 516, graycm at mailbox.sc.edu, 803-422-0576

Karthik Iyer, CSCE 101, 102, 145, 156, iyerk at engr.sc.edu, 803-777-3768

Mahendra Kumar, CSCE 101, 102, 204, 205, 212, 245, chandras at cse.sc.edu, 803-544-0291

Chrisogonas Odero Mc'Odhiambo, CSCE 101, 102, 145, chrisogonas at yahoo.com

Thorben Primke, CSCE 145, 146, 240, 245, primke at engr.sc.edu, 803-629-2344

INACTIVE LIST: Previously listed but have not indicated current availability

Sreesa Akella, CSCE 211, 212, 245, 313, akella at engr.sc.edu

S. Hasan Babar, CSCE 145, 146, 212, 313, ELCT 102, babar at engr.sc.edu

Jason Culbertson, CSCE 145, 146,211, 212, 240, 245, 313, ELCT 102, 221, culbert77 at hotmail.com

Sandeep Jayendran, CSCE 102, 145, 146, 211, 212, 240, jayendra at engr.sc.edu

Amit Jain, 544-3939, CSCE 102, 211, 311, jain at engr.sc.edu

Patrick McCormick, CSCE 102, 145, 146, depaderico at yahoo.com

Richard McCraw, CSCE 145, 146, 240, remcgraw at engr.sc.edu

Xijiang Miao, CSCE 101, 102, 145, 146, 211, 212, 240, 350, miaox at cse.sc.edu

Cindy-Marie O'Neal, 803-771-0979, CSCE 101, 102, 145, missmurdamo at yahoo.com

Jula Oroian, 749-3509, all programming courses, oroian at engr.sc.edu

George Pate,  CSCE 145, 146, 240, pategj at webmail.sc.edu, 803-544-1549 (dorm), 864-706-1881 (cell),

Laura Zavala Gutierrez, 777-3768, CSCE 145, 146, zavalagu at cse.sc.edu, Swearingen 3D19