Alireza Salahirad
Computer Science PhD Student @ University of South Carolina
Office Hours Friday: 5pm-8pm Sumwalt, room 340
Email: alireza at
Phone: 803 777 5609
Lab room: Sumwalt 361
Open lab hours: Lab hours
Some Important Information
- Lab assignments are to be saved in the designated "CSCE 102" folder on the X drive, before the deadline.
- Instructors have read only permission for information on your X drive and cannot edit any of your files but can see all your files.
- Only assignments saved on the X drive, will be graded.
- It is your responsibility to keep back-up copies of all of your work throughout the semester.
- You must pass the lab portion of the course with a grade of 60 or better in order to pass the class.
- Using the lab when another class is in session is prohibited.
- If you experience problems completing a lab assignment, seek help! Every instructor in Sumwalt 340 can (and will) help if you ask. Also we have a lot of lab monitors that can help you. Don't be shy.
- Please read Honor Code Policy carefully.