High-rate Structural Monitoring, Damage Detection, Prognostics, and Reactions Working Group

An interdisciplinary working group focused on technical area of high-rate structural health monitoring (HR-SHM) and prognostics

Research Projects

Current Projects

Completed Projects

  • Air Force Office of Scientific Research, "Novel Variable Input Observer for High-Rate Estimation", Award number FA9550-17-1-0131, January 2017 - December 2019, $450,000, PI: Simon Laflamme.
  • Air Force Office of Scientific Research, "DURIP: Real-Time Edge Computing in Structures Experiencing Shock", February 2020 - February 2021, $201,882, PI: Austin Downey; Co-PI: Paul Ziehl, Sourav Banerjee, Lingyu Yu PhD, and Jason Bakos.
  • National Science Foundation, "RTML: Small: Collaborative: A Programming Model and Platform Architecture for Real-time Machine Learning for Sub-second Systems", Award number 1937535, May 2019 - May 2022, $259,785, PI and Project Lead: Austin Downey; Co-PI: Jason Bakos.
  • National Science Foundation, "CRII: Algorithms and Methodologies for Real-Time DecisionMaking of Mission-Critical Structures Experiencing High-Rate Dynamics", Award number 1850012, March 2019 - February 2021, $175,000, PI: Austin Downey.

Sponsoring Agencies

Austin Downey

ARTS-Lab, A139B, 300 Main St., Columbia SC, 29208, USA