Adaptive Real-Time Systems Laboratory (ARTS-Lab)

An interdisciplinary research lab at the University of South Carolina


The ARTS-Lab is an interdisciplinary research lab focused on developing tools and solutions that enable systems (e.g., mechanical systems, aerospace structures, and civil infrastructure) to adapt to their environments in real-time.

Public Repositories

Working Groups

The webpage for the High-Rate Monitoring, Damage Detection, Structural Prognostics, and Reactions Working Group can be found here.

Principal Investigator

Austin Downey, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Mechanical, Aerospace, and Civil Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering email:
Office: A137, 300 Main St., Columbia SC, 29208

Web Page
Curriculum Vitae
Google Scholar

University of South Carolina

The University of South Carolina was founded in 1801 in downtown Columbia, the capital city of South Carolina, and is a comprehensive tier 1 research university.

ARTS-Lab, A139B, 300 Main St., Columbia SC, 29208, USA