CSCE 572 - 001: Human-Computer Interaction (Fall 2024)


Class Meeting:                       T & Th 1:15PM-2:30PM, Swearingen Engr Ctr 2A15

Course Instructor:                 Dr. Yan Tong


                                                Storey Innovation Center 2273

777-0801 (office)

Office Hours: by appointment


Tentative Syllabus:     


Academic Bulleting Description:

Interdisciplinary approach to interaction design, user-centered design, human abilities, survey development, experimental study methodology, heuristic evaluations, usability testing, universal design, and accessibility.


Full Course Description:

Human-Computer Interaction is a course that focuses on the importance of human-computer interaction in the design and development of things people use.  Topics covered in this course will include the capabilities and limitations of users, HCI methods, the design process, and design evaluation. 

Keywords: Interaction design and evaluation, interaction modes, system usability, human-robot interaction, cooperative systems, universal design, and accessibility.



Undergraduate or graduate standing in CSE or permission of the instructor.


Goals and Learning Outcomes:

The overall goal of this course is to provide students with knowledge and skills necessary to critically evaluate system design from a human-centered approach.  The measurable learning outcomes used to determine the degree to which this goal is being met follow:


Course Textbooks and Readings:

·         Interaction Design: Beyond Human-Computer Interaction, (4th Edition), Yvonne Rogers, Helen Sharp, and Jennifer Preece, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York, NY, 2011.

·         Optional textbook: Understanding Your Users: A Practical Guide to User Requirements Methods, Tools, and Techniques, Catherine Courage, Kathy Baxter, and Kelly Caine, Elsevier, 2005.  (2nd edition is fine)

All course materials comply with copyright/fair use policies.


Course Overview:

This course is designed to provide students with a variety of contexts for understanding, evaluating, and implementing human-computer interaction methods and processes. A typical class session will consist of:

·         Lectures

·         Group discussion of human-computer interaction material

·         Group work


Course Communication:

I will be communicating with you regarding grades and assignments. If you need to get in touch with me, the best method is via email ( ). You may also post questions pertaining to the course on the Blackboard Discussion Board. Generally, these questions will be answered within 24 hours. If you are having trouble with this course or its material, you should contact me via email to discuss the issues. Announcements will be posted to this course whenever necessary. If there is any other information I think is important, I will send it to your email address you have in Blackboard. It is your responsibility to ensure that your email account works properly in order to receive email. Your email address in Blackboard coincides with your preferred university email. If you are unsure of your preferred email, check your account (


Grading System:

All grades will be posted on Blackboard. You are strongly encouraged to check your scores in Blackboard regularly. A final letter grade will be assigned based on:

A (90-100%), B+ (86-89%), B (80-85%), C+ (76-79%), C (70-75%), D+ (66-69%), D (60-65%), and F (0-59%)


Grading policy (Undergraduate students): 

·         Two exams (20% each)

·         Individual assignments (3) (10% in total)

·         Team project (45% in total):

o    Topic definition and understanding of the problem report (5%),

o    Design alternative presentation (5%),

o    Final project presentation (10%),

o    Final written report (15%), and

o    Participation grade (10%)

·         Quizzes (5) (5% in total)


Grading policy (Graduate students):

·         Two exams (15% each)

·         Individual assignments (4) (10% in total)

·         Paper reading and written report (10%)

·         Team project (45% in total):

o    Topic definition and understanding of the problem report (5%),

o    Design alternative presentation (5%),

o    Final project presentation (10%),

o    Final written report (15%), and

o    Participation grade (10%)

·         Quizzes (5) (5% in total)

Note: the graduate students and undergraduate students will have different versions for both exams, where the graduate students are asked to answer more questions.


Late Submission Policy:

A due date will accompany all assignments, quizzes, exams, and deliverables of the team project. All course deadlines are listed in Eastern Time Zone.

Late submissions of assignments, quiz responses, or project deliverables will be accepted if BOTH of the following requirements are met:

·         You must contact me in advance of the required assignment, quiz, and project deliverable deadline to make arrangements for its completion.

·         You must complete the assignment, quiz, and project deliverable within the week following its due date.

However, late submissions will be subject to the following penalty: 10% will be deducted from your grade for the first day late, and an additional 5% will be deducted on each subsequent day.

Except group presentations and final written report of the team project, you will be granted for a ONE-TIME waiver of late submission penalty - you will not be penalized if you submit your assignment in three days after due date. For team deliverables, you cannot use the waiver if any member in the team has used the waiver before. Please notify me in advance, when you use this waiver.


Attendance Policy:

Success in this course is dependent on your active participation throughout the course.  Class attendance is required as claimed in University policy. When you miss class, you miss important information. If you are absent, you are responsible for learning material covered in class.  If you have an excused absence (, you will be permitted to make up coursework or complete an equivalent assignment agreed upon with me.

To arrange excuses for absences that can be anticipated at the start of the term, you should:

·         Submit a written request (email is acceptable) stating the dates of the anticipated absence no later than the end of the second week of the course.

·         Explain the reason for absence. In some cases, documentation may be required.  Please consult the policy ( for additional information.

·         Include any request for make-up work.

To arrange excuses for absences that cannot be anticipated at the start of the term, (e.g. legal proceedings or illness), you should, at the first opportunity, submit in a written request stating:

·         The date of absence

·         The reason for absence.  In some cases, documentation may be required.  Please consult the policy for additional information.

·         Any request for make-up work as soon as reasonably possible after you become aware of the need to be absent.

Academic Integrity:

You are expected to practice the highest possible standards of academic integrity. Any deviation from this expectation will result in a minimum academic penalty of your failing the assignment, and will result in additional disciplinary measures. Violations of the University's Honor Code include, but are not limited to improper citation of sources, using another student's work, and any other form of academic misrepresentation. Violations of the University's Honor Code will be reported to the Office of Student Conduct and Academic Integrity. Below are some websites for you to visit to learn more about University policies:

Carolinian Creed (

Academic Responsibility (

Office of Student Conduct and Academic Integrity (

Information Security Policy and Standards (


Disability Services:

Student Disability Resource Center (SDRC) (  empowers students to manage challenges and limitations imposed by disabilities. Students with disabilities are encouraged to contact me to discuss the logistics of any accommodations needed to fulfill course requirements (within the first week of the semester). In order to receive reasonable accommodations from me, you must be registered with the Student Disability Resource Center (1523 Greene Street, LeConte Room 112A, Columbia, SC 29208, 803-777-6142). Any student with a documented disability should contact the SDRC to make arrangements for appropriate accommodations.




·         Lecture 1

·         Lecture 2

·         Lecture 3

·         Lecture 4

·         Lecture 5

·         Lecture 6

·         Lecture 7

·         Lecture 8

·         Lecture 9

·         Lecture 10

·         Lecture 11

·         Lecture 12

·         Lecture 13

·         Lecture 14

·         Lecture 15

·         Lecture 16