CSCE 416 : Introduction to Computer Networks
M W 2:20pm-3:35pm (2233 Storey Innovation Center)
Srihari Nelakuditi
Email: username=srihari   domain=cse dot sc dot edu
Office: 2233 Storey Innovation Center
Phone: 803-777-7206
Office hours: M W 1:00pm-2:00pm
Teaching Assistants
Jie Cai
Email: username=jcai   domain=email dot sc dot edu
Office: 2240 Storey Innovation Center
Office hours: M W F 4:00-5:00pm
Raghavendra Pogaku
Email: username=rpogaku   domain=email dot sc dot edu
Office: 2236 Storey Innovation Center
Office hours: T Th 1:30-2:30pm
Course Description:
This course provides an introduction to fundamental concepts in the
design and implementation of computer communication networks, their
protocols, and applications. Topics to be covered include: layered
network architectures, applications, network programming interfaces
(e.g., sockets), transport, physical media, data link protocols, local
area networks and network routing. Examples will be drawn primarily from
the Internet (e.g., TCP, UDP, and IP) protocol suite.
Learning Outcomes:
- Demonstrate an understanding of the elements of a protocol and the concept of layering.
- Describe how to control access to a shared channel by multiple stations
- Explain the concepts of error control, flow control and congestion control.
- Illustrate how a packet is routed over the Internet.
- Design, build and describe a client-server application.
Required: ``Computer Networking: A Top-Down
Approach,'' by Jim Kurose and Keith
Ross, 7th Edition.
Recommended References:
``Computer Networks: A Systems Approach,''
by Larry L. Peterson and Bruce S. Davie.
- ``Computer Networks,'' by Andrew S.
``Computer Networks and Internets'' by Douglas E. Comer.
A rudimentary understanding of computer architecture, operating
systems, and probability would be helpful.
Coursework and Evaluation:
- Three quizes (10 x 3 = 30%).
- Five laboratory projects (5 x 5 = 25%).
- One midterm exam (25%).
- One final exam (30%).
The letter grade is assigned based on your preformance relative to the
overall class performance. However, you are guaranteed to receive at
least the following grade for the given range of scores.
- A : 90 - 100
- B+ : 85 - 89
- B : 80 - 84
- C+ : 75 - 79
- C : 70 - 74
- D+ : 65 - 69
- D : 60-64
- F : below 60
Assignment/Project Submission Policy
All the laboratory projects have to be done individually. Project reports must be
submitted through Blackboard.
No late submissions.
If you have questions regarding the grading of your projects or exams,
you must come to see the instructor within two weeks
after the date your projects or exams have been
returned to you. If you cannot see us within two weeks, you need to
email us within two weeks and make an appointment. If you believe
that your projects or exams have been lost,
please notify us as soon as possible (within two weeks). We are not
responsible for missing projects or exams two weeks
after they have been returned.
Class Attendance Policy
Students are obligated to complete all assigned work promptly, to attend class regularly, and to participate in whatever class discussion may occur. Absence from more than 10 percent of the scheduled class sessions, whether excused or unexcused, is excessive and the instructor may choose to exact a grade penalty for such absences. It is of particular importance that a student who anticipates absences in excess of 10 percent of the scheduled class sessions receives prior approval from the instructor. Refer to the Undergraduate Bulletin for more information on the class attendance policy.)
Honor Code
Every student has a role in maintaining the academic reputation of the University. Students are to refrain from engaging in plagiarism, cheating, falsifying their work, and/or assisting other students in violating the Honor Code. Two important components of the Honor Code are:
- Faculty members are required to report potential violations of the Honor Code to the Office of Academic Integrity.
- When a student is uncertain as to whether conduct would violate the Honor Code, it is the responsibility of the student to seek clarification from the appropriate faculty member.
Your enrollment in this class signifies your willingness to accept these responsibilities and uphold the Honor Code of the University of South Carolina. Please review the Honor Code via Any deviation from this expectation can result in a failing grade and a referral to the Office of Academic Integrity.